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Shopping Centre Recruitment at Bluewater

Recruiting Jobs at Bluewater

Whether you’re looking for Bluewater careers or looking to fill your vacancies with the very best talent, Zachary Daniels will sort it.

Everything’s bigger at Bluewater. More shops. More eateries. More customers. More staff. It all helps to create a bigger recruitment challenge. We’d love to help.

Bluewater hiring for retailers

Scale brings its own challenges. Even in the quietest season, you’ll usually find dozens of vacancies at Bluewater. As peak season approaches, dozens become hundreds. How do you recruit at volume when your in-house team isn’t staffed for it? How do you find the talent you need when it’s not in the places you usually look? How do you hire great talent where there’s competition everywhere you look?

Easy. You ask us.

Bluewater jobs for candidates

If you love retail, you’ll find Bluewater careers offer you lots more of what you love. Longer opening hours so you get greater flexibility over your working day. Near constant footfall, so every day flies. Easy (and free) parking. And with so many retailers in one place, you’ll be part of a great community, and in the best pace to develop your retail career and take it to the next level. There are always lots of opportunities to find part time jobs at Bluewater, too.

Let’s find yours.

Talk to us about jobs at Bluewater

Why choose Zachary Daniels for Bluewater jobs?

There are plenty of other shopping centre recruitment agencies you could talk to about finding the ideal people for your jobs in Bluewater (although don’t feel as though you have to). So why choose us?

Because Bluewater is a great place to work – and we can help you work there

You only need to look at a certain popular jobs rating site (you know the one) to see how people feel about working at Bluewater. A great culture. Room to grow. Great coworkers and a positive, fun environment are just some of the most common comments.
Of course, the more popular a place is, the more applicants it gets and the harder it can be to get your foot in the door. As a specialist shopping centre recruitment agency, we manage lots of recruitment for malls and outlets, including Bluewater jobs (part time and full time).

Because we find talent others can’t

Anyone can look at a jobs board or trawl LinkedIn. It’s when you’ve already done that and can’t find the people you’re looking for that your shopping centre recruitment agency shows its true colours.
Our recruiters have years of experience. Most of them were once retailers too. That means they’ve built huge networks brimming with talent. To access them, all you need to do is ask.

Because we’re your recruitment partner

Perhaps you need a volume recruitment exercise and don’t have the resource to cope. Maybe there’s a single key role you absolutely have to get right. Perhaps you’d rather let someone else do the initial stages of your recruitment exercise so you only need get involved when things get to a crucial point.
However you need us to work with you, that’s what we’ll do.

Bluewater jobs: roles we’ve recruited recently

The roles we’ve recruited at Bluewater and other leading UK shopping centres recently have included:

  • Sales Assistant
  • Floor Manager
  • Stockroom Assistant
  • Barista
  • Visual Merchandiser
  • Style Advisor
  • Cashier
  • Store Manager

Find more Bluewater  jobs now.

What’s it like to work with us?

Find out from the people who’ve already worked with Zachary Daniels – check out our testimonials. Then find out more about our approach.

Contact us

We change lives, one job at a time. Put us to work on your Bluewater retail recruitment. Get in touch for a chat.

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